Thursday 11 December 2014

What I Have Learnt from Creating My Storyboard

Drawing the storyboard for our thriller was a difficult task because of just how specific you have to be, however, there are many  benefits to creating one.
    From doing this, I have been able to visualize what I want my opening sequence to be like. It has enabled me to put the idea that we can up with in words onto paper but in a way that we could see exactly what was happening.
    I have also been able to see that it is difficult to choose what camera angles we wanted to use and when we would use them. This was hard because we had to think about what would best illustrate to an audience what was happening in each cut.
    By creating a storyboard, we could organize the opening sequence into the right order. This was difficult to do because we want to cross-cut between the girl running and the police investigation. Making a storyboard allowed us to order the events into a suitable order.

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