Tuesday 9 December 2014

Shot List

This is the list of shots and the order that we want them to appear:

Shot 1: Establishing long shot of the house
Shot 2: Medium close up of the door
Shot 3: Close up of feet running
Shot 4: Close up of different person's feet walking slowly
Shot 5: Mid shot of girl running - initially need to be front on and then move round to behind her
Shot 6: Over the shoulder shot as girl falls to floor
Shot 7: Mid shot of detective walking towards where girl fell
Shot 8: Point of view as detective gets closer to the stop
Shot 9: Close up as hand reaches out to touch blood
Shot 10: Close up of girls face as running
Shot 11: Close up of detectives face as walking
Shot 12: Mid shot of girl as runs into park
Shot 13: Mid shot of detective walking into park
Shot 14: Close up of detectives hands pulling away cover on body

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