Monday 29 December 2014

Our 'Market Research' and Review of Our Idea

In order to see what people thought of our idea and to see what we could do to make it better, we interviewed some people of different genders and ages to get a wide range of responses.
       The questions we asked were:
1)What genre of film do you normally watch? Why?
2)What is your favourite film (especially thrillers)? Why?
3)What makes you want to watch the film (especically thrillers)?
4) Would you watch our thriller? Why/Why not?
5)What could we change that would make it better?
6) If the characters are more attractive, would this change your opinion?
From these interviews, it seems that our idea is appealing and that people would like to watch it. However, some said that they like the tension and mystery created in thrillers, making me look back at our opening sequence to see if there is enough tension or not.

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