Saturday 27 December 2014

Research into Characters in Films Similar to Mine

In our thriller, the main characters are the girl who has gone missing and was killed, the murderer and kidnapper as well as a detective who has to solve the case. I decided to look at thrillers that feature similar characters that are in similar situations to the ones in our thriller.
     'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo' features two characters that are similar to the characters in ours. There is a journalist turned detective, Mikael Blomkvist who plays a similar role to the role of our detective. In this film, Blomkvist has to help solve the disappearance of a girl who has been missing for 40 years. The girl in this film is also similar to that in ours because both have been missing for a long amount time. This picture shows what Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) wears in the film, signifying that he is important as he is dressed smartly and looks official. This is similar to how the detective in our film should look. Daniel Craig is also a well-known, attractive actor and therefore this makes women want to watch the film. In order to get people to watch our thriller, we would have to take a similar approach and have a good looking detective.
     In the film 'Gone', both the Jill and Molly are similar to the girl in the opening sequence of our thriller. Jill has previously been kidnapped and in the film, there are several flashbacks showing the audience what happened. Molly is also kidnapped in the film and Jill believes it was the same person who took her. These characters are similar to the girl in our film as she too will have been kidnapped. Moreover, Jill is also similar to the detective in our thriller as in 'Gone', Jill helps to solve what has happened to her sister and this is the role of the detective in our thriller. Amanda Seyfried is an attractive actress, making the film more enticing for young men, and in our thriller, we will also use a pretty girl to make boys want to watch the film.

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