Thursday 18 December 2014

Changes Made to Our Opening Sequence Since Filming the Run Through

Since filming the run through we have made a series of changes to our storyboard as well as the characters involved.
     We have decided to use one detective rather than two as this will be more effective in creating a mystery about the character and it will be easier to give directions, however, what this character will do is more or less the same as before. It is also easier to cast one detective rather than two as not as many people will be needed.
      Instead of the girl falling over when she is running, she will have her hands tied up and she will drop the rope where she would have fallen over. We have decided to do this because it is much safer as we do not want the girl to hurt herself on the pavement when we are filming as she could end up with a serious injury that will effect our ability to complete the shoot.
     We have also added some shots to our storyboard. The establishing shot now incorporates a pan of the houses around it to illustrate the fact that this is a normal neighbour hood and that the girl was being held in a house near people who didn't have a clue.

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