Monday 22 December 2014

Changes to the Plot - Plot Update

We looked at our plot and decided that there are some more things we could add to make the film more interesting.

'A young girl named Hannah Williams was a young girl who moved to the UK in the hope for a better life than the one she leads back at home in Romania. When she arrived at the airport, she was kidnapped and held hostage for about 3 years in a normal looking neighbourhood, with nobody noticing. She had not been seen since the day she went missing, leading to the police presuming she was dead. One night, she manages to escape from where she was being held hostage, however, unfortunately her kidnapper saw her running away while he was driving home from being out, following her without her realising and kills her.
    Bradley Johnson, is a detective who happens to live next door to where Hannah was being held hostage and was visiting his neighbour (who happens to be the killer/kidnapper). He leaves the house and coincidentally follow the same route Hannah did the previous night before she was murdered. He walks into the park planning on watching his son play in a football match when he sees a black bag near the bushes.
    Unfortunately, he was seen standing around with the bag by some passers by and is accused of the murder of Hannah Williams. Bradley is determined to prove his innocence,  calling in favours from friends in the police department in the hope that this will uncover the mystery of who truly took Hannah and killed her. Bradley tries to gather enough evidence to put the real criminal behind bars once and for all, but, is Hannah the only victim? Will Bradley discover there is more going on than he realises?'

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