Tuesday 9 December 2014

Our Storyboard for Our Thriller

This is the storyboard for our thriller. We broke down each individual shot and attempted to draw out what we want to see as well as writing underneath what should be seen. We did this so that we could sequence the opening sequence for our thriller and see if what we wanted to do would work.
Initially, we drew out each individual shot and put them out on a piece of paper so that we could see what we wanted. We put the shots into categories (the shots of the house, the girl and the detective and police). This enabled us to see what we wanted to do with each character. By doing this, we were able to move around parts of the opening sequence until we were happy with the order and could finalize what we wanted. We then drew out the storyboard in the order that we wanted the events to occur.

This is the storyboard we created after finalising our ideas:

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