Sunday 7 December 2014

Real Life Incidents Similar to Our Thriller

In the news recently there has been the story of a 13-year-old boy who managed to contact his mother after being held in a house behind a fake wall for the past 4 years. This relates to our thriller because the girl who had been kidnapped had been held in a house yet none of the neighbours knew anything about this until she had escaped.
    Madeline McCann went missing in the summer of 2007 whilst on holiday with her family. The young child was taken from her room while her parents were at dinner. The police case has been going on ever since and the police have unfortunately not been able to identify who took Madeline, why they did it or whether she is still alive or not. This can link to the plot for our thriller because like in this case, our thriller will involve the police investigation surrounding the characters disappearance and murder.
    Jeffery Dahmer was an American serial killer who was later was killed himself. One of his victims who had been kidnapped managed to escape and ran up to a man asking for help. Dahmer followed the boy out and told that man that this boy was his just his boyfriend and that they had just had a fight. Dahmer later killed this boy after taking him back into captivity. This relates to our thriller because the girl in our thriller will also be escaping from having been held hostage and she will also end up being killed by the kidnapper.
    Shannon Matthews was reported missing, by her mother, after not having returned from school. There was £3.2 million hunt for Shannon, however, about a month after the investigation was opened, it was discovered that the girl was in her mother's boyfriend's house, drugged but otherwise fine. Karen Matthews (Shannon's mother) was later sentenced to jail. This can link to our idea because in this case, not everything was as it seemed. We want the opening sequence of our thriller to simply make it look as though a girl had been kidnapped and was escaping, but in reality, there is more to the case than this.

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