Thursday 5 November 2015

Shots for the New Narrative Concept

Due to the fact that we have altered the narrative concept, we do not have the footage of Zoe and Sam's unhappy relationship. We will therefore need to film this and have put together a list of shots which we could take that we believe will effectively signify this idea.

  • Sam arrives late to a date with Zoe and doesn't seem to care that she has been waiting for him to arrive
  • The couple are sitting on a bench but are clearly quite distance and not enjoying each other's company
  • The couple are walking together but when Sam reaches for Zoe's hand, she moves it away
  • The couple are on a date but Sam is ignoring Zoe, sitting looking at his phone instead
  • Sam and Zoe have an argument
  • Sam doesn't hold the door open for Zoe and doesn't give her his coat when she is clearly shivering/ the umbrella when it is raining. 

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