Monday 2 November 2015

Filming in the Studio

Part of our music video features the use of the studio for the performance element, so we used the studio we have at school to do this. We used a black backdrop as we had previously stated that we wanted to use. The lighting was set up so that we could clearly see the artist performing and we used a guitar to help connote the desired star image.
     We managed to get a range of shots which we thought we would be able to use, however, upon review, we decided that the footage was not suitable and therefore we would have to re-film. This was because the artist's facial expressions made it look as though he was unsure of the lyrics and therefore this would not give a convincing performance. 
     Additionally, we were unhappy with the shots as the artist just looks like he is standing in front of a black curtain, therefore, when we re-film, we will be using a microphone and some guitar amps to make it appear as though he is performing in a small venue.

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