Monday 30 November 2015

Narrative Change, Clips We Added, More Feedback

After receiving feedback on our 3rd rough cut, we tweeked the narrative again so that we would just have Zoe cheating on her boyfriend, therefore demonstrating her 'best fake smile' by pretending that she is happy and in love with him while actually she isn't and is going out with Jay behind his back.
    We therefore filmed some more footage to add into the thread. As a result of previous feedback, the needed to film more with the actual boyfriend to emphasise that him and Jay are 2 different people as this was confusing the focus group.
After adding these clips, we played the edit to the same group again to see if there was any difference, writing down the feedback, most of which was the same as before, including the fact that it was still unclear that the girl was cheating on either boy.

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