Wednesday 4 November 2015

Re-filming the Performance Elements

On review of our footage, we have been able to see that our artist is not giving a convincing performance as he has blank facial expressions and looks very unsure of the lyrics. This has resulted in us having to re-film these elements.
     We used a different location for filming in the forest this time around. This was not a problem at all as the location still had the same connotations and was therefore still appropriate to use in this video. We filmed out side in a forest-like location as we wanted to keep to a natural setting and help connote the organic nature of our artist. When we filmed this, we took different shots which we could use alongside the outdoor performance shots that we had already taken and create a new performance thread in the video. We took a range of different shots, including a tracking shot and a shot with the artist sitting in the tree to add visual interest to our video.
     We also re-filmed the studio performance to make it look more like the artist is performing in a small venue to a small audience. In this, we still used the black backdrop, however, we placed amps behind our artist, gave him a guitar and put a microphone in front of him. We directed him to perform as if an audience was actually there to help him become more animated. We also used 2 cameras when filming this instead of 1 like the previous time. This was very beneficial as it helped enhance our efficiency. This was because we could take the shots from 2 angles at a time, rather than having to move the camera every time. This meant that we could get more shots done as we were not relying on just 1 camera each take.
      Overall, I now feel confident that we have enough footage of the performance elements to help connote the image of our artist effectively. I also believe that these shots will be very useful in the editing of our music video.

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