Thursday 5 November 2015

Change of Narrative Concept

On review of our narrative thread, we decided that we were no longer going to have the girl hiding her relationship from her disapproving friends, but rather have her cheating on her boyfriend with our artist. We wanted to keep to the idea that she is hiding something and putting on her 'best fake smile' and believe that this is a better way to connote this idea.

Here is the updated narrative concept:

  • Jay (artist) and Zoe are secretly together
  • Zoe is already in a relationship but is unhappy with her boyfriend, Sam. who she is constantly arguing with
  • Zoe would rather be with Jay as they are happy together and Jay is aware of the fact that Zoe doesn't want to be with Sam anymore
  • Zoe has a memory book filled with happy memories of her with Jay as well as her friends, reminding her of the reasons she enjoys Jay's company and why she would rather be with him
  • Jay is singing about the fact that he wants Zoe to be happy and not pretend to feel that way in her relationship with Sam when in reality she could be in a fun, carefree relationship with him instead
why changed to this and then why we didnt use it

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