Sunday 8 November 2015

Filming Review 07/11/2015

Due to the change in narrative concept, we needed to take some extra footage. We needed to film Zoe out with her boyfriend, who she is cheating on, representing her boyfriend as nasty and mean to her. This is because our narrative is about how she is being fake by pretending she is happy with him when really she isn't.
     We decided it would be a good idea to get some shots inside as otherwise the majority of our video would take place outside. We went to a park with a cafe so that we could film both inside and outside. We asked the owner of the cafe if it would be ok to film in there and thankfully, they were happy for us to do so.
     The weather was not good when we started filming as it was pouring with rain and the sky was dark, however, this was good because we could use the idea of pathetic fallacy, connoting the unpleasant nature of the relationship through the weather. It did start to brighten up as we progressed which could be used to signify Zoe's realisation that she is happier with Jay than her boyfriend.
     Overall, I believe that the shots we took were effective and when we put them into the video, they will connote the narrative as we had hoped.

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