Saturday 14 November 2015

Rough Cut 3

We have finished editing a complete rough cut with no gaps to be filled and held a focus group so that we would be able to get feedback on what we can improve further as well as help us understand what the audience would be seeing and if they can see what we had intended. We asked a group of 16/17 year olds as they are members of our target audience so therefore we are getting advice from those who are likely to watch the video.

From the feedback, it is clear that the audience didn't quite understand the narrative with a lot of them commenting on the fact that the reason for this is that there was only a small amount of footage showing Zoe and her boyfriend. Another thing that was mentioned was the fact that it should start with Zoe and her boyfriend, not with Jay. This is something that we will be able to correct because we are arranging a shoot day where we can film more of Zoe and Ben and then after this, we will be able to edit more of this and incorporate it into the video.
     Another comment made was that some of the lip syncing was out of time. This is something that is very important and will need to be fixed in order to give a convincing performance as well as look professional,
    Some of the people in the focus group also thought that some of the shots of Jay were too quick which is something else for us to look at. As well as this, both groups believed that this was a pop video when we were actually targeting an indie audience, giving us something to think about when we go back to edit as well as something to look at in terms of the audience understanding of an indie artist.
    Both groups said that they really liked the music group, with some of them stating that they liked the use of locations throughout the video. One group said that their favourite part was the end shot with the sparklers.
    The focus groups thought the video was well cast although more emotion was needed by Zoe at times. They also liked how it was cut to the beat of either the guitar or the drums.
    From this feedback, there is a lot for us to consider before we finish editing and lot of areas for us to improve on in order to create a successful music video.

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