Monday 12 October 2015

Review of the Run Through

After filming the run through, we saw that there were a few things we need to change to make our artist give a better performance. This included this look, acting element and the lip sync itself.
     The boy is wearing glasses in the run through which is not something we wanted to include in our star image and we feel do not effectively connote an indie artist. We will ask they boy not to wear these on the day so that he looks better in the role.
     The other problem with his look is that he isn't wearing clothes that are typical indie clothing. The boy normally wears trainers, however, these are not something that feature in the look we are aiming for. Instead, we will ask him to wear a pair of brogues as these are more appropriate. Additionally, the top he is wearing is far to casual, so instead, he will wear a casual light denim shirt or a flannel shirt.
     The next problem we recognised was that in the run through, the boy was messing around a little and was not giving a convincing performance. This means that on the day, we need to be more firm with the directions we give him and make sure that he is more serious as this will help connote that the artist is a serious, authentic indie artist.
     In the run through, the lip syncing is not done very well. This is due to the fact that he doesn't know the lyrics and so when we have asked him to learn them as well as some chords for the guitar. This is vital for the performance element of the video as without it, he will not appear as a serious, organic artist who is passionate about the music. Without knowing the lyrics, he will not be able to give a convincing performance.
     From looking at this run through, it is clear what elements of the star image we need to work on.

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