Wednesday 14 October 2015

Review of Filming 14/10/2015

Filming in school was more challenging than we initially thought. There are a number of reasons for this including the short amount of time available, other students walking past and the limited space we had around us.
     The first problem that we had was the fact that we only had about 40 minutes to film. This was because we had to set up and dismantle the equipment which took about 10 minutes in total, wait for the cast to arrive after lessons, get them in costume and tell them what they needed to do. This meant that we had to ensure we were being efficient with  the time that we had left and film the shots that we needed smoothly.
     Another issue that occurred when filming was the fact that other students were walking past when we were trying to film. Despite a member of the group who wasn't filming at that point attempting to tell others that we were filming, students still walked in front of the camera. This could cause continuity errors if we were to use these shots as different people would be in the background, therefore, we will try not to use these shots.
     The third problem that arose when filming was the limited space we had to take the shots. This was due to obstructions such as doors, lockers and balconies which meant that there were only certain places we could film and get everything we wanted in the shot. Despite this, we were able to take the shots we wanted by placing the camera very carefully in specific locations and moving it to several different angles.
     Moreover, one of the girls who was meant to be playing a friend was unable to turn up and while at first we were a bit thrown by this, we decided that actually it didn't matter and would not effect the audience interpretation of the narrative thread.
     In spite of these difficulties, I feel that we were successful in filming because we took a range of shots from many different angles as well as the fact that we were able to take a number of shots and will have lots to choose from when it comes to editing the video.
     Another success of our filming at school was the fact that the members of cast worked really well together, taking directions from us and accurately representing what we wanted them to do. As a result of this, some of the shots we took would be really effective in helping to illustrate our narrative in the video.
     Overall, I think that our filming was a success and that although we had a few problems, we were still able to get everything done that we needed to do.

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