Sunday 11 October 2015

More Locations

We will also be filming the my bedroom to show what the girl is like at home when she is getting ready to go out with her friends or with her boyfriend as well as when she is thinking about what she should do.
      We also want to use the school cafeteria as this is something that will highlight the social hierarchy of the school and show what her friends are like to others. The problem with this is we can't film at lunch time as there will be lots of other students in the cafeteria, making it very difficult to find space to film. This means that we may have to film here during free periods or after school, when the area is less busy.
     We will also film in the school hallways and by the lockers as planned. This will be used to highlight the nature of the friends and the hierarchy of the school. Both this location and the cafeteria are similar locations to films which have similar plots to that of this video and therefore they will help demonstrate our idea effectively.

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