Saturday 10 October 2015

Review of the Animatic

When filming the animatic, we put the images on the storyboard to the music in order to see if it would work. While the majority is alright, there are some aspects which need improving.
     The first thing I noticed was that some of the shots are far too long and lose the effect they would have if they were shorter. The problem this causes is that the audience will get bored and therefore we need to add shots to prevent this from happening. In this animatic, it is clear that we could have more cuts per line than we do as we shouldn't cut to the line but rather to the beat in order to represent Goodwin's theory of the relationship between the music and the visuals.
     The next problem is that while some of the shots are cut to the beat, others aren't. This therefore doesn't make the video look professional as well as making it disorientating for the audience to watch. To solve this, we can take more shots as well as cut them in different places so that they match the beat of the music.
     From watching this, I also noticed that while some shots in the studio of the performance element are good and different, there are a lot of the same shots too, making this element very repetitive. This is fairly boring they are all front facing and in the studio. This is something that we had already considered being a problem, therefore, we will also film this in the forest to add interest. I also think that we can film around the artist from different angles. This is something I was inspired to do by Paolo Nutini's album cover for 'These Streets' which have images of Nutini at different angles. This could be effective in our video in showing our artist from different angles to make the audience see that he is organic and authentic in every way and has nothing to hide about who he is and his music.
     It also seems very cliché to have the girl in her room looking at scrapbooks so I thought it may be more effective to have her sitting by the lake on her own doing this and almost reliving her dates with the boy. Another  thing is that the school is a very over used location which therefore means the video will be less interesting for the audience. Instead, I thought we could have the boyfriend come to the girl's house while her friends are over and the friends could laugh at him when he tries to serenade her from her window.
     Overall, this was a very useful thing to do because it allowed us to see where there may be problems with our music video, allowing us to find alternatives to these before filming and then realising there is a problem.

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