Tuesday 20 October 2015

Organising Our Shoot Day

We found that the easiest way to communicate as a group would be to use Facebook as this enabled us to send direct messages to a group of people as well as see who has read the message. This proved very useful when it came to organising our group for the film day and making sure we had permission to film in certain locations and sharing links and ideas. I think this was a successful method of keeping everyone up to date with what was going on and making sure we were all on the same page.

     We also used Facebook chat to talk to our cast members and keep them informed about when they would be needed to film. This was very important as we did not have everyone's mobile numbers but did have them all on Facebook. We sent out group messages about what to wear, sending example pictures as well as telling them the basic details of where to be and when to get there. This was very successful as on the days that we filmed, our cast showed up in outfits very similar to the ones we had asked them to bring, this was particularly important for the artist as we needed specific clothing to connote that he was an indie artist. We found that although we gave our artist the lyrics in person, it was very helpful to remind him of where to find them and emphasise the importance of learning them by messaging him as if he did not know them, then we would have to organise to film a different day and the performance element may not have been very convincing.  


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