Monday 7 September 2015

Feedback on my Music Video Ideas

To help us choose what song and concept we should use we got feedback on our idea. In the end, we chose to go with 'Best Fake Smile' for our music video which was also the idea that we came up with as a group. Below is the feedback on the other ideas:


  • There would only be a couple of locations used which could make it quite boring, especially if we were just to use the school and a studio
  • It would be very difficult to create a 60s setting with the equipment, props and costumes we have access to 
  • The idea of the 60s is good as it would match the music of the song, therefore conforming to one of Goodwin's theories
  • The concept is good but it would paint all teenagers in a bad light, implying that they are all rebels and don't respect teachers in school
  • It may be quite difficult to film a number of different people doing different things as this would require the use of lots of different locations and be very time consuming
  • The idea of basing it on a well-known film is good but may be quite difficult to do in 3 minutes as we are making a music video not a film
  • We would have to find a group of 4 girls who would all be willing to be in the video as well as be able to dance as this is a very synthetic style song
  • The constant switching between people and locations could be disorientating for the audience
  • The morals behind the concept are good and there are many ways this could be represented
  • We need to choose a narrative rather than just think up all of the possibilities that we could use and develop that one
  • The links between the narrative and the lyrics are quite clear therefore we would be conforming to one of Goodwin's theories

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