Monday 7 September 2015

What I've Learnt From Doing The Lip Sync Task

While I feel that my lip sync task was successful due to the materials and time scale I had available, it was very useful in highlighting some key issues which would need to be addressed when producing my actual promotional music video.
     The first thing which I have learnt that I will need to do is ensure that I have a variety of shots in order to show different angles and be able to cut to the beat. While in the lip sync task, this was possible some of the time, I will need to be able to cut to the beat to conform to Goodwin's theory that there is a relationship between the music and the visuals properly.
     I have also learnt that there is need for proper planning when producing, including looking at different locations and costumes as this was something that we did not do in the lip sync task. This would be very important in the actual video as it would help connote the star image of the artist and was perhaps something that I did not think of as being that important in this task.
    A further aspect of planning that I would need to carry out is the creation of a storyboard. While not having one for this task was ok as it was quite informal and I feel like I produced a fairly successful product, I have learnt that in order to use time efficiently, take the right shots and plan the structure of the video, I would need a storyboard or timeline.
     Another thing that I have learnt from this task is that when I produce the actual video, I may need to film more than once. In this task, I only had the opportunity to film once, however, from this, I can see the importance of ensuring that the right footage is taken which may result in more than one filming session.
     I think that this task has also illustrated how difficult it is to get into character as well as perform and sing every word. When producing the real video, I will therefore need to make sure that as a group, we give good directions which help the cast perform to their best. I have also learnt that we should give our artist the lyrics before the filming so that they can perform them properly and sing every word in the,
     I believe that this task has given me an insight into what may be difficult when filming the actual video as well as the things that I need to take into consideration which I may not have initially thought would be an issue.

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