Saturday 12 September 2015

Location Research

In order to create a convincing performance, we need to find a suitable performance space for this to take place in. The location needs to connote authenticity and highlight the organic qualities of our artist. In work out what a suitable location would be to connote that our artist is authentic, organic and indie as well as look like a realistic performance space, I looked a music videos for similar artists, Paolo Nutini and Benjamin Clementine.
In his video for 'Let Me Down Easy' Nutini is seen in a small performance space which is quite open and surrounded by nature. In this space, he has a band and is singing into a microphone. This connotes his organic nature as he is surrounded by nature and therefore can be seen as natural. The fact that he is surrounded by a band who are playing their instruments signifies his authenticity as it shows that he cares about the quality of his music and that his image is not about who he is as a person, but rather the music and all the instruments that are used to create it.
In Clementine's video, he is sitting by the piano in a small studio, playing the instrument as he sings. This connotes that the is an authentic artist as he actually plays the instrument which is used in the song. The use of the small performance space also creates a sense of intimacy and makes the audience feel closer to Benjamin Clementine. This is important for allowing him to connect with his fans and make them feel like they have a personal relationship with him.

From this, I can see the importance of the way in which the performance space is dressed for example, the fact that there are instruments in the room. When we film our performance element, we will dress our studio in a similar way, we will use amps and a microphone to make it look like a real stage/ performance space. We will also use a relatively small room to create intimacy and make the audience feel closer to our artist.

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