Sunday 13 September 2015

What Sub-Genre Does Our Artist Fit Into?

Like films, music artists often fit into more than one sub-genre which allows them to access a wider target audience. I looked at different indie sub-genres and how we could incorporate some of their conventions or ideas into our video.
Indie pop videos, much like pure indie videos are set in low budget locations as well as those which would enable the artist to give a convincing performance. This is important because they are still indie artists who pride themselves on the quality of their music. However, unlike pure indie videos, their performance in a music video is broken up by a narrative in order to make the video memorable for the audience. This narrative often tells a story and conforms to Goodwin's theory that music videos amplify the message of the song which is important in helping the audience to understand the meaning of the song.
    These are all aspects which we could use to target a wider audience. We want to include a narrative in our video to make it more engaging for our audience.  I think that it is quite possible to indie pop videos to feature love stories as they are targeting a pop audience who might like mainstream rom-coms, therefore, I think that our narrative about a relationship would appeal to them. I also think that by using the forest, a low budget location and a small studio we would be able to give a convincing performance.

From my research, I could see that the conventions of this sub-genre were much the same as indie-pop but didn't have the use of a romantic narrative to appeal to their target audience. These videos tend to focus more on the performance and have the lead singer upfront. This will be something easy for us to emulate as we are presenting a solo artist so he will always be presented in the centre.
    Another convention I came across was their clothing. These artists wear laid back, casual clothing such as black jeans. This is the kind of look seen on James Bay and is therefore something we will take into consideration when creating the look for our artist.

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