Tuesday 10 February 2015

Rough Cut

We started editing our opening sequence and produced this rough cut from which we have been able to see where we need to make improvements.
    In this rough cut, there is only ambient sound such as the sounds of Hannah's heavy breathing, Bradley's footsteps and the cars going past. This could be effective in some areas, particularly to show Hannah's struggle, however, at other times, the sounds of the cars going past doesn't help to create the tension and mystery we want to create, although it does show that it is a normal neighbourhood. Instead of using this diegetic sound, we will be using music, we may use one that represents Hannah's fast heart beat as she is running in distress for the shots with her and one that sounds more mysterious for Bradley walking. We feel as though this will sound better and will enhance the experience of the opening sequence for the audience.
    We have also decided that we need to put more focus on Hannah throughout the opening sequence. This means that we need to get some more footage of her running down the road, across  the bridge and into the park. We think we should include more close ups of her face to show her facial expressions so the audience can see her distress, creating more empathy for the character. In the park, we will take some shots of her running, possibly stumbling, maybe even to make it seem as though someone is watching her through the bushes.

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