Tuesday 24 February 2015

How We Did the Make-Up

We chose to use make-up to create a bruise on the side of Hannah's face to emphasise the idea that she had been taken captive and abused. This was very difficult as we are not make-up artists, therefore, we didn't know how to do this and had to look it up. To create the bruise, we watched some tutorials on YouTube for help.

After watching the video, it became clear that the people in the video were professionals and so had good resources, however, we did not have these resources available and had to rely on what we could find., including fake blood, face paint and red lipstick/gloss. We tried our best to stick to similar colours to the ones in the videos and used similar techniques, such as, pinching a make-up wipe.

We got the inspiration for creating this bruise/black eye from thrillers such as Lilya-4-Eva where in the opening sequence, the girl is seen to have bruising and cuts on her face. We also took the idea from other thrillers in which the person held captive is hurt by the person who took them. 

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