Sunday 22 February 2015

Risk Assessment - Monday 23rd February

Many of the risks for this day will be the same as for our previous filming day as we are filming in the same location. For example, we still need to be aware that we are using a residential area and so there is likely to be cars on the road and moving in/out of drives as well as people walking past. The same procedure will be used as last time, be careful and stop filming if need, wait for the hazard to pass and then carry on.
    We will be filming later in the day because we need it to be dark as well as the fact that it is getting darker later. This means we will have to make ourselves visible to cars on the road to avoid an accident, however, if an accident does occur, we will need to tell someone and get help, dealing with it as quickly as possible.
    We are filming on a Monday evening and it is likely to be rush hour while we are doing this. We therefore need to be even more alert than normal as there will be more cars on the road, creating more traffic. We will need to make sure that we stay away from the areas where there will be the most traffic as this is where an accident is most likely to occur, however, if we need to go to these locations, we will be even more alert and make sure we asses the dangers before filming.

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