Thursday 26 February 2015

How the Credits are Displayed in Different Thrillers

To understand fully the order in which the credits should appear and be presented, I looked at different thrillers and and how the credits were displayed in them.

This opening sequence integrates the credits to the images displayed on screen. The font is all small to illustrate all the companies and cast involved in the film, but, the title is much bolder and bigger as well as this, it is written in different font to the rest of the credits. When credits such as 'casting by' are listed, the name of the person involved is written in slightly larger font than what contribution they made to the film. The credits in general are simple, written in small white font, and occasionally, two credits are listed together. 

In this film, the distribution and production company are listed before any action is shown on screen and are presented simply in grey/black, small font, towards the bottom of the screen. Another credit is listed in this way and edited quickly in between two bits of footage. The Ben Affleck is listed along side the action, in small white font at the bottom of the screen. Other credits are listed on a split screen or different background.

In this film, the distribution company was credited first on a black screen using its logo, followed by the production company on a different background. The sequence went on to list Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins and Scott Glen who starred in the film in the middle of the screen in big, bold writing as the images began to be shown. The title was then displayed in the same way before more actors who featured in the film, with three being listed at the same time. The sequence then lists people such as the music composer, the production designer and the director of photography. It also mentions the book that the film was based on. The producers and director are listed last out of everyone who is credited in the opening sequence. 

The credits for this film begin in a traditional way, with the logos of the companies involved appearing on a black screen in silence before any action is shown. Other credits are then shown while there is something going on on the screen, appearing in big font across the middle of it. In this opening sequence, the starring cast was not listed, only the production and distribution companies, and finally the title. 

This opening sequence begins in a traditional way, listing all the production and distribution companies. The director is also listed as the credits show 'An  Andrew Davis Film'. The stars of the film are then listed in big, blue writing in the center of the screen, followed  by the title of the film. After this, the film begins and other members of the cast's names appear smaller, in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen when there are shots of the city. Occasionally, two people are listed together. Following this, the credits list who did the casting, costume and composer, etc. The co-producers are also listed together, as well as the editors being credited in the same way. The director is not listed as he was listed at the very start of the film and his name doesn't need to appear twice. 

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