Sunday 22 February 2015

Order of the Credits

We have begun to edit our opening sequence, however, we needed to know what order the credits would appear as well as what credits we needed to include. In order to do this, we looked on Google to find the order. The order we found was:

1) Studio/ distribution company presents  - this is the distributor which can be either a studio or an independent distribution company and is the company that sells the film to a cinema. TV company, DVD company etc. To show this, you can use a logo,, standalone clip or simple writing.
2) Production company -  this may be an independent company, studio or a subsidiary
3) In association with ... production company - there may be more than one production company that played a part in the production of the film
4) Director or producer - the name of the director an/or producer are shown, with the director written first, followed by the producer
5) The stars - the names of the starring cast are also shown in the opening sequence - they are listed before the films title, which is equivalent to the names of these actors being written above the title on a poster - not all the stars will be listed here, probably only one
6) The title - this is written in big letters

These are the credits that we will be using in our opening sequence, however, companies will carry this list on to include the top an supporting cast, casting director, music composer, production designer, art director, set designer, costume designer, hair/make-up artist, sound recording, visual effects supervisor, editor, and director of photography.

We originally decided that the credits will be displayed in a traditional way, appearing before the film begins. However, once we began to edit, we decided that it would look better to integrate our credits into the action displayed on screen. We have decided that the credits The order that the credits will appear in is the same, we are just going to show them in a different way. We want to add a black screen with the credit on at certain points during the action shown on screen.

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