Wednesday 6 January 2016

Response to Feedback and The Final Narrative Concept

After trying out a new narrative concept and and showing the rough cut to a focus group we asked for feedback. Many people in this group said that they were unclear as to what the narrative was and that the fact that the girl was cheating was not obvious. A few people commented on the fact that this was due to the boys looking too similar and that there wasn't enough footage with the girl and the boy who was not the artist. Moreover, from the feedback, it was clear that the new footage we had taken was not as good quality as the footage that we had taken during our first shoot days.
     Later, we discussed what we should do and decided that it would not be feasible to re-film as this would take too long. We would also need to find a different boy who the audience would not think looked too similar to Jay. This would also take a long time as we would have needed to do test-screenings for more cast members. Therefore, as a result, we have decided on a narrative that works with the original footage that we had taken.
     In the video, Jay Harper, the artist, sings about a past relationship where he was happy. He is singing about being happy and being yourself in a relationship, therefore, telling everyone that they 'don't have to wear [their] best fake smile,' and should find something that makes them happy.

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