Thursday 7 January 2016

Audience Feedback

We showed our video with our final narrative to a group of students and asked them some questions in order to get feedback.
     In order to see if we had been effective in portraying our narrative, I asked whether they understood the narrative, they said that they did and some were able to expand on this, telling us what they thought it was about. The symposiums that they gave were very close to what we had set out to achieve and therefore, we were able to conclude that they were able to understand the narrative as intended.
     I also asked them what genre they believed this video and our artist would fit into. This was very important for us to do because we needed to see if the way in which we created the star image for an indie artist was effective and whether this was something that could be noticed when watching the video. A couple of people said that they thought that the video was indie-pop and therefore we could conclude that the representation of an indie artist was somewhat clear.
     To understand what we could do to make the video better, whether it be to help the audience understand the narrative or identify that the artist is from the indie genre, we asked the group what they would improve. The group said that we should consider removing the end shot as they were unsure as to why it was necessary. However, when we asked a different group of people they said that they liked it and that we should leave it in. Upon reflection, we have decided to leave it in as we want to create ambiguity as to what the girl is doing in the cafe and who she is waiting for.
     We needed to make sure that our artist gave a convincing performance as this is something that is very important for an indie artist to be able to do. When I posed this question, the group was positive and said that he gave a good performance, making them believe in the song as it was evident that he did too.

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