Wednesday 6 January 2016

Connecting Products

For an artist, logos, fonts and images can become used as a form of identification and as a way to brand products as being from a particular artist. For the audience, this makes the products easily identifiable as they are looking for a particular image or font. This can also be used to link products and promote them.

George Ezra's website, digipaks and Facebook all feature the same font which creates a sense of continuity and easy identification for the audience. His Facebook and album digipak also feature the same image which acts as cross-media promotion for the album as well as further helping the identification of the products.
     A member of the audience may see the font and know who the artist is as well as possibly some of their songs and the use of the same image allows the audience to become familiar with that product and what George Ezra looks like, therefore aiding their identification of his products.

The Rolling Stones use a logo as their form of identification. This can be done because they have become so famous that they no longer need text to show their band name or an image of their band members for the audience to be able to identify them.
     The same logo is seen on almost all of the merchandise on their website, the homepage of the website as well as on their Facebook page. This re-enforces the fact that the logo is their form of identification and that all the products come from the same artist.

We decided that like George Ezra, The Rolling Stones and many other artists. we would use the font and an image to connect our products.
     We chose to use the font that appears on the digipak as the font that would appear on the website and other products, just like Ezra did. This was because it would connect the products to ensure that the audience would be able to identify that they were from the same artist and not someone else.
     We did not feel as though creating a logo for our artist would work as for indie artists, this is not often done as they would use the font as we have done to identify the artist.
     However, we did feel that using the same image on the digipak and Facebook would help connect the products and help as a form of promotion. This was something that we have seen with other artists. By using the cover of the digipak on the Facebook page, we are ensuring that the audience is aware of its release and therefore encouraging them to buy it. We used a similar image on the website, changing the colour scheme as this worked better for our website, The image we used is very similar and therefore still allows the audience to connect the products and recognise Harper.

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