Wednesday 16 December 2015

Changes to the Digipak

We put the digipak onto one template to see what it would look like and then we printed it out and put it in a empty CD case to see what the final product could look like. This was beneficial as it allowed us to check the dimensions, and as a result, we saw that some of the sides needed to be made larger so that they would fit properly. Additionally, since our first draft, we realised that we were not making a single, but rather an album so we had added in some more songs on the track list.

   Another change we have made since the last draft of our digipak is related to the font. After conducting more research into different fonts, we decided to change the font again to a more basic one which still had a vintage appearance and therefore connoted Jay's authenticity. The new font also looks a lot more professional and therefore makes our digipak look like a real media product.
Furthermore, we moved the thank you message to the corner of the inside cover as we did not think it needed to be as big. We also looked at other things which should feature on a digipak such as song credits and put these into the inside cover.
     A third thing we added was a picture of Jay with his guitar on the inside cover. This was done to reinforce his authenticity and the fact that he has other talents than just singing. This is was something that we felt was very important in the construction of Jay's organic, indie star image and so was something we wanted to incorporate wherever possible. 

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