Friday 13 March 2015

Rough Cut 2

After receiving the feedback for our opening sequence from our first rough cut, we made many changes and produced a second rough cut.
    Since our original rough cut, we added in the titles and credits to the opening sequence as this is one of the things that needs to be included in an opening sequence. We also added non-diegetic music to our opening sequence as many people wanted this after watching the original rough cut.
    We changed the images shown on screen as we decided it would be better to focus on the girl running away at the beginning, rather than the constant changing between her and the detective. However, we got some feedback on this version of our opening sequence, with some people saying that they were now confused as to who the man is and where he came from, so as a result, this is something that we will change next time we edit.
    We added in extra footage that we took on our extra filming day, including some different angles of Hannah as she runs down the road. We did this to make the focus more on her as well as show the audience more of her face as this is something else we concluded that we needed from the feedback we received on our last opening sequence.

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