Thursday 26 March 2015

Audience Feedback

After having finished editing our opening sequence, we created a focus group and questionnaire to get audience feedback to help us evaluate the success and failures of the final product.

We got a group of people to watch our thriller and give us feedback. It was interesting to see how people responded to our opening sequence and whether they agreed or disagreed with the feedback from others in the room. Some gave us feedback by telling us what they liked/ didn't like, however, everyone score what they saw out of 10.

To get further feedback on our opening sequence, I asked people over websites such as Facebook and through email to tell me what they did and didn't like about the sequence and score it out of 10 just like in the focus group. I did this because I wanted to see individual reactions of people to make sure people were not just agreeing or disagreeing with each other because they wanted to be the same or different.

All the feedback that I have received has allowed me to asses the strengths and weaknesses of my opening sequence.


The cross-cutting was very successful in creating the desired effect of showing 2 pieces of parallel action and the audience all seemed to understand the reasons for us having chosen to edit our opening sequence like this. It seems as though

The tension created in the opening sequence was also good and was something that was picked up on by the audience as many commented saying that this was effective and the way that the music at times contributed to creating this tension was good. I believe that this shows we created tension well and effectively as the audience could feel this as they were watching it.

The concept of the opening sequence was easy to understand as no-one questioned what was going on. This suggests that we put across what we wanted to show effectively, making the audience understand what was happening.


Many people stated that they were not fond of the ending, thinking it was too abrupt and an anticlimax. It seems as though they didn't understand where the film would go from this point as the girl was dead and her body had been found within the first 2 minutes of the film. I think that this feedback shows that our ending was not as effective as we had hoped as it didn't make the audience ask the questions we wanted them to.

From the feedback we received, it appears that some of the shots we took were not as effective as we had hoped. Although we wanted the audience to question why the girl was running and what she was running from, we didn't want it to initially look like she was just going for a jog around her local area.

Despite the fact that we thought we had chosen a good cast, the audience didn't seem to agree, particularly for the person who played Hannah. The feedback suggested that although she was trying to show emotions such as fear and panic, she didn't do this well enough and make it believable enough.


Overall, I am happy with the way our opening sequence turned out as I think that it looks good and while it isn't effective in some aspects it is in others. Additionally the majority of the people who gave us feedback scored the opening sequence 7/10 which suggests that it was fairly successful and implies that people would watch it if it was made into a full film.

I think that we created a good piece of work when it came to putting the idea across to the audience and the way we presented this was really effective and understandable. However, if I were to re-do this task, there are things that I have learnt from the audience feedback that would help me improve the product and make it better because it is clear that there are still many things that could be done that would make the thriller more enticing for our target audience.

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