Monday 23 March 2015

Evaluation Task 5

In our opening sequence, we used many different things to help attract our target audience. This included using certain characters and cast as well as non-diegetic music and the location.
      We used the location to attract our target audience. By basing the film in a residential area, we are making it relatable as it is the kind of environment that many people live in, including our target audience. Additionally, using a residential area attracts our target audience as our target audience is unlikely to live in a big city or expensive area. This makes our target audience want to watch our thriller as the same thing could happen or have happened already  in their area.
     We chose to have both female and male characters in our thriller because this will attract our target audience as well as others to our film. We decided to feature a girl in the opening sequence and in the film because this will make our target audience of males aged 18-24 want to watch the film. The use of male characters will attract women to our film as well.
     In our film, the character Hannah is played by a young, pretty girl which would entice our target audience because they will  be watching an attractive girl on the screen. They would be less likely to watch our film if the girl was not played by someone attractive.
     The music we selected would also attract our target audience because when doing research into what our target audience likes, we found that they liked more up-beat music and genres like rap as well. We couldn't use this in our opening sequence, as it would not fit the concept and what was shown on screen, so instead, we found a piece of non-diegetic which reflects this in a different way. It would still attract our target audience because it still is fast-paced and almost like house music, but there are still elements of tension in it which help create the right atmosphere.

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