Thursday 29 January 2015

Updated Shot List

This is a new shot list which contains changes to shots seen on the new storyboard as well as shot durations.

Shot 1: Establishing shot of the house - 3 seconds
Shot 2: Medium close up of door opening - 1 second
Shot 3: Close up of girls feet running - 6 seconds
Shot 4: Close up of detectives feet walking - 6 seconds
Shot 5: Mid shot of girl running - 12 seconds
Shot 6: Mid shot of girl standing and untying rope - 3 seconds
Shot 7: Close up of hands untying rope  - 3 seconds
Shot 8: Mid shot of detective walking - 3 seconds
Shot 9: POV shot of detective as walks towards the rope on floor - 3 seconds
Shot 10: Mid shot of detective walking - 3 seconds
Shot 11: Close up of detective as pick up rope - 3 seconds
Shot 12: Long shot of girl as runs up bridge - 4 seconds
Shot 13:  Long shot of detective as walks up bridge - 4 seconds
Shot 14: Mid shot as girl runs across bridge and down it - 3 seconds
Shot 15: Mid shot as detective walks across bridge and down it - 3 seconds
Shot 16: Mid shot as girl runs into park - 4 seconds
Shot 17: Long shot as detective walks to body - 3 seconds
Shot 18: Close up/over shoulder shot as body is uncovered - 3 seconds

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