Tuesday 20 January 2015

Risk Assessment for Our Filming Day

In order to make sure we keep safe on our filming day, I made a risk assessment so that we are aware of what dangers there may be and how to avoid them as well as what to do if they occur.
     One of the problems we may have is the weather. It may rain, be very windy or icy which is a concern for us as all our footage will be taken outdoors. In the case of very heavy rain or strong wind, we will have to postpone our shoot day as it will be too wet, damaging the equipment or too dangerous to film. Due to recent weather, it is likely to be icy, meaning that we will have to be careful when moving the equipment or when the girl is running, however, it shouldn't be too bad. If someone does fall over due to ice, we will have a medical kit to help us.
      Another concern is that we are filming in a residential area. This means that there is likely to be people walking past and cars going past. If there are people or cars going past, we will need to wait until it is clear to film if we don't want them to be in the shot. This is particularly the case when we are filming the girls parts as it is night and no-one is meant to see her escape. Additionally, we may need to stand in the road to get a better shot and if this is the case, we will have to be very careful of cars driving down the road, if it is unsafe to stand in the road, we will have to alter the shots so that they can be completed safely.
      We must also be careful in the park as people may be walking their dogs. The dog may come up to us, and if it does, we will need to wait until it has gone to start filming. While the dog is there, we must not leave the equipment as it cannot be left unattended at any point.
       The grass in the park may be muddy, and so we will have to be careful using the tripod and ensure that none of us, including the cast slip over. This will not only ruin their costumes but could also break the equipment. To prevent this from happening, we will not run when on the grass and take out time, being careful where we step.

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