Tuesday 20 January 2015

Plan for The Day

We will be filming our opening sequence on the 26th January. In order for us to use our time effectively and for us to be efficient, we have produced a plan for the day for each of these two days. This breaks down what needs to be done and tells us when we need to do it. In the morning, we will focus on the detective's parts as we need this to be completed during the day and in the late after noon, we will focus on the girl as we want this to be filmed when it begins to get dark.

8:30 - Briefing - this is to ensure that everyone knows what needs to be done and when as well as what we will actually be doing
9:00 - Make-up and costumes - the cast will be put into their costumes and have their make-up done so that they look the part properly
10:00  - Run through - we will run through each scene so that everyone is confident in what they need to do and when
11:00 - Film Scene 1 (for the detectives part) - at the house
11:45 - Film Scene 2 (for the detectives part) - down the road
12:30 - Film Scene 3 (for the detectives part) - across the bridge
13:15 - Film Scene 4 (for the detectives part) - in the park (the girl will be needed for this part)
14:00 - Lunch 
14:45 - Review shots (this is in case we decide we need to redo parts)
16:00 - Film Scene 1 (for the girls part) - at the house
16:45 - Film Scene 2 (for the girls part) - down the road
17:15 - Film Scene 3 (for the girls part) - across the bridge
18:00 - Film Scene 4 (for the girls part) - at the park entrance
18:45 - Review shots (to check we have everything we needed)

In order for us to be able to stick to this schedule, we will need the storyboard and shot list on hand at all times to ensure that we don't waste time filming things we don't need. We will also need to have a watch or a phone on hand so that we can be aware of the time.

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