Thursday 29 January 2015

Our Cast Selection

After careful consideration, we picked a cast that we are very happy with.
     The person playing Hannah was chosen because she is small and vulnerable looking as well as the fact that she looks her age which is the most important as the girl who has been kidnapped is roughly the same age as her. We wanted to make the character look as small as possible while looking her age to emphasise her vulnerability while still making the audience feel sympathetic towards her. The actor also took GCSE drama, therefore she was able to take our directions easily, knowing exactly what we wanted he to do.
      The person who plays Bradley was picked because of his maturity which is important as he was playing the role of someone a bit older than he is. We needed someone who would be able to create a sense of mystery about the character's true motives by using specific body language and the person we chose was able to do exactly this. The actor was also chosen due to the fact that he was able to understand what we needed from him and was able to deliver.

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