Monday 13 July 2015

Little Mix 'Black Magic' - Music Video Application of the Narrative Theories

The narrative of this song amplifies and illustrates the lyrics and meaning of the song. The song is about using magic to essentially charm a boy to get him to like you and this is demonstrated in the video through the use of different characters and props. Initially, the band members are dressed as nerds, connoting that they are playing nerdy characters and their actions show that they are failing to get the boy they want. However, they later find a magic book which helps them change their look and give them powers to help them get the boy. This is an example of how the video illustrates the content of the song. The video amplifies the song because the girls also use their powers to help other nerds, therefore adding to the idea of people asking for their help as the lyrics are 'all the girls on the block knocking at my door' because they have this magic solution.
     The video follows the Barthes closed narrative structure as it is clear that the girls started off as nerds who when they found the magic book, found a solution to their problems. The outcome of finding this book is also made clear as the girls get their revenge while making themselves and other nerds popular. This leaves no questions for the audience as it is very clear what has happened throughout the narrative.
    Torodov's theory can also be seen in this video. This is because there are three clear events in this music video. The exposition of this video is the introduction to the girls dressed as the unpopular nerds, setting the scene inside a school and highlighting what may be the problems. The exposition is further explained when the girls think the boy is waving at them when in reality he was waving at the popular girl behind them. This clearly emphasises the conflict of the video. The end of this is when the book falls on Jade's head as the equilibrium is disrupted through finding this magic book. The disequilibrium is seen when they sit on the floor with the book, exploring what it has to offer them and how it can help them . The denouement is when the girls end the conflict between the nerds and the popular kids using the magic powers they now posses.
    Moreover, the video illustrates some of Propps '7 Spheres of Action' as the band members are clearly the heroines, helping and protecting the nerds who are the Princes and Princesses. The popular students are meant to be the villains as they pick on the less popular students at the school and the book represents the  the dispatcher as it gives them the magic powers with act as the helper as it helps the girls defeat the popular students and make the nerds more popular.

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