Tuesday 23 June 2015

Andrew Goodwin's Theory/Conventions

Andrew Goodwin believed that there is a relationship between the lyrics of the song and the visuals shown in the music video. The link could illustrate, amplify or contradict what is in the lyrics. Additionally, he said that there is a link between the music and the visuals.
    Goodwin says that a particular genre has it's own video style and iconography. He also says that an artists will develop their own star iconography both in and out of their videos.
    He believed that there is a demand from the record company for lots of close-ups of the main artist. 
    Andrew Goodwin says that there is a reference to voyeurism in the music video. This is the idea that there is a screen within a screen.
    He believes that there are also intertextual references which draw upon existing texts to spark recognition from the audience. 

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