Wednesday 19 November 2014

Our Target Audience

After looking at the target audiences for different types of thrillers as well as similar to ours, we have changed our target audience from 12-22 as we feel this is inaccurate and that actually 12 years would be too young to watch our film.
     Our research showed that more males watched and enjoyed thrillers similar to what we aim to create and so, we decided that both the primary and secondary target audience would be males, but, there will also be some females that would watch our film.
     Our primary target audience is males aged 18-24 because the research we have carried out on thrillers like ours as well as the interviews we carried out at school, we could see that people around this age group would enjoy watching our film. People of this age group like action as well as some violence and due to the fact that they are older than our initial target audience, they will be able to deal with the psychological aspects that will be involved in our film more appropriately.
     Our secondary target audience is also males, however, aged 25-40. This is because our research showed us that people of this age, particularly males watched these films. People of this age range will be more attracted to the psychological aspects of the film than the action because they are older and therefore have different interests.

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