Thursday 13 November 2014

Feedback on Our Thriller Idea

The feedback helped us a lot as it enabled us to see what needed to be improved about our idea for our opening sequence.
    One piece of advice we received was that while a forest location could work really well for our idea, this location is often over used and so is cliche for a person running away to be going. This made us think of alternative places we could use for our opening such as an alley way or even just a normal road.
   A few were confused about the opening sequence, asking who the characters were, why was the girl running and who from. We were able to answer these questions, however, it made us wonder that if our peers were unsure as to what was going on whether the same would be true for other people who did not have the chance to ask us questions. The general sense we received from this was that our opening sequence was far too complicated.
    Many were unsure of the significance of showing two characters and why we wanted to use a split screen. From this, we decided that this may not be the best idea and going back and forth between the characters was a factor contributing to the confusion. 
    The general feedback on the plot was positive, however, more of the girls said they would watch this if it was a film than the boys. The reason for this was that the main character was clearly a girl and so the story line focuses on her which is less appealing to males. We had to think of ways to make this film appeal to boys including what are their interests.
    Overall, this criticism has helped us to develop our idea further and think about other ways we can show the plot.

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