Thursday 10 March 2016

Evaluation Task 3

To help us conduct our research and get feedback on our product, we used a focus groups as well as online surveys. This was very useful in understanding what our target audience likes as well as understanding whether our product would appeal to them and how they felt about it.We made sure to get some form of audience feedback throughout every stage of our product development, from the initial ideas to the final product.
A focus group is a group of people assembled to take part in a discussion about a product before it is launched, or to provide feedback on a campaign, TV programme, advert, etc. This type of research has both positives and negatives.
We also conducted an online survey using Survey Monkey. We sent this out to a range of people who we believed to be in our target audience as well as some people who aren't part of this group in order to understand whether this appealed to them. This also has many pros and cons.
Further to this, we also went round personally and asked individuals a set of questions about our product and ideas. This was a good way of receiving feedback because it enabled us to personally engage with the audience and ask personal follow up questions. It was also limited because we could only receive feedback from one person at a time. 

Qualitative research gathers information in a non-numerical form, using words and longer answered questions and is typically descriptive data which is harder to analyse, while quantitative research gathers information in a numerical form which can then be categorised and used to construct graphs and tables of raw data and is typically easier to analyse.
     We used both of these research techniques when conducting our audience feedback so that we could receive descriptive response that enabled the respondent to express their opinions in their own words and numerical data from tick boxes.

When it came to creating the questions we would ask during focus groups and for online surveys, there were certain things we had to keep in mind.

  • That the indicators are correct - we had to make sure that it asks the right questions in order to get exactly the information we wanted
  • That there is clarity - the questions need to be short, clear and simple so that the respondents can understand the question and can therefore answer it
  • That it is concise - the respondents wont want to spend a long time answering our questions
  • That is is unbiased - the respondents wont be led to a particular answer or take a certain viewpoint
Interviews and focus groups fall between two extremes: structured and unstructured

  • Structured interviews can be tightly organized, with the interviewer simply reading our questions from a prepared questionnaire
  • Unstructured interviews are more like a conversation, where the interviewer simply has a basic area for discussion and asks any quesions that seem relevant
  • Semi-structured interviews are where the interviewer has a series of set questions but may also explore various avenues that emerge by probing the respondent for more information
We adopted the semi-structured idea, having set questions but also asking questions based on what the group had said in order to get a more in depth understanding of what they meant or why they though a specific thing.

 We also conducted an  online survey when developing our idea. From this we were able to see that our target audience should be 15-30 as well as see what they liked in a music video such as a good narrative. This was important as it highlighted to us the importance of having a strong narrative in our video.

We used YouTube statistics for our video to help us see who has been watching it, how they've watched it, what device they used, where they are from and how long they watched for. This is another way of receiving feedback as from this we can evaluate whether people have been engaged in the video as well as how it has spread, elements which can help us judge the success of the video.
     Looking at the places that the video has been watched, it is immediately obvious that it is people in the UK that are watching, however, it has been seen by a few people in Egypt. This suggests that it has not really started to spread yet.
     When looking at how people got hold of the video, it can be seen that the majority found it directly on YouTube after having searched for it, while others found it was a suggested video. It may have been suggested to them as they have watched similar videos for other indie artists. This was something that we hoped to achieve as we wanted Jay to be group with artists like Tom Odell and George Ezra and we wanted to appeal to similar target audiences. 
The majority of those who watched the video on the computer. 

The average viewing time of the video was 1:27. This suggests that our video may not have engaged people in the way that we had hoped and therefore they got bored of it. This was something that had come up in our Survey Monkey too as some said another narrative thread would have made it more engaging. However, this does show that people are watching a fair amount of the video.

From all of this feedback, I can conclude that we successfully created and promoted an organic, indie artist through the cohesive package of a music video, website and digipak. However, while it is clear that we had created an organic star image, there were still areas in which we could improve. For example, after having looked at all of our quantitative and qualitative feedback, it is clear that may be we should have included a second narrative thread in our video as a few people said that they would have liked this and our YouTube statistics suggest that people are not watching the entire video and are therefore not that engaged in it.
     Overall, it is clear from our feedback that we created a genre specific music video and successfully created an organic, indie star image.

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