Tuesday 21 October 2014

Mise-en-Scene and Sound in 'Speed'

In 'Speed' the opening sequence takes place behind lifts which creates a sense of mystery as this is not a place you would expect a film to begin. There are also two men, one in a suit and one dressed as a caretaker. It is obvious that the caretakers is fixing something but not as to why the man in the suit is there, creating suspense as the audience are intrigued to know why he is where he is. To add to the mystery, there is a bag lying isolated on the floor. This makes the audience wonder why the bag is there and whether it has something in it that could potentially cause harm to either character.

The non-diegetic music is strong and heroic and is synchronous to the pan shot of the lift. This creates suspense and tension as the music builds up and the tempo follows the speed of the pan.
    The diegetic dialogue creates mystery as the audience can see and hear the man in the suit, however, initially, they can't see the caretaker, making them wonder who this voice is and where it is coming from. Moreover the caretaker says 'it's nothing personal' which is a disturbing thing to say, enhancing the fact that this character is possibly a bit disturbed himself.

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