Monday 22 September 2014

Filming the Prelim

I was really excited to be using the camera to film a preliminary task. This was the first time, we had actually got to use the camera to film an actual scene.
     After setting up the camera (fairly quickly I would say - that practice at setting it up really paid off!), we got to work, looking at the storyboard, getting to know it and working out what we needed to do, this was the easy part. We worked out who would stand where and where the cameras should be positioned for the first take.
    We started to film, completely forgetting to set up the white balance, and it was only after we got halfway through filming that we realized that we needed to set this up. Of course as soon as we realized, we set it up easily using the white section of the storyboard to do so. We decided we would observe continuity and film the entire scene from one angle first (whether it be a wide angle shot or over the shoulder) and then from the next as we would edit the film to fit the story board later.
    We were told before we started that we had to obey the 180 degree rule which looked harder to do that it really was. All we had to do was remember to stay on one side of the line or it will look like the 2 people are standing next to each other rather than opposite one another.
    Our acting wasn't brilliant, we couldn't find anyone to be in the film, so I stepped in along with another group member. We weren't the best actors (and that's being kind) but we made it work, even if it meant that we forgot our lines a few times! The main problem was getting the camera and tripod high enough to do a low angle shot from above my head - they should of chosen a different actor! Generally, it went well, I had the easy part, just repeating 'I can't' and 'I know' a few times. 
    Other than acting, I gave directions to other group members on what we should do and how we should do it, I even helped my fellow actor with their skills (although my advice probably wasn't very good). I helped to set up the camera and tripod, and positioned it where it should be and when. 
    There are many things I would improve about this would be to do the white balance right from the start as this will make a big difference to the colours shown on  screen. I would also make sure that the actors were standing in the exact same position the entire time as we did move around the room between takes. 

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